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Provisioning and using vclusters with Carvel

by Daniel Helfand — Feb 8, 2022

Your head should hurt a little bit after reading this blog, but hopefully it’s because of all the ideas you are thinking about around Carvel and vcluster and not because you are unsure what Kubernetes cluster you are using.

vcluster is a project from Loft Labs that delivers on an exciting idea: delivering the experience of using an independent Kubernetes cluster within a host Kubernetes cluster’s namespace. To summarize, your cluster can host other clusters.

The idea of vcluster is discussed in greater detail on the vcluster webiste, but a summary from these docs is as follows for what vclusters are:

vclusters run as a single pod (scheduled by a StatefulSet) that consists of 2 containers:

  • Control Plane: This container contains API server, controller manager and a connection (or mount) of the data store.
  • Syncer: What makes a vcluster virtual is the fact that it does not have a scheduler. Instead, it uses a so-called syncer which copies the pods that need to be scheduled from the vcluster to the underlying host cluster.

vclusters are also a certified Kubernetes distribution, so the experience of using these clusters is pretty indistinguishable from other clusters.

Hopefully the introduction to vclusters above is exciting to you. As users of Carvel tools though, you may want to understand how the experience of kapp looks when using vclusters.

Let’s walk through an example of using kapp to deploy and also work with vclusters. I am using vcluster version 0.5.3.

vclusters and kapp

To start, you’ll need a Kubernetes cluster. I am using minikube in this example. You will also need helm, ytt, and kapp to fully go through this walkthrough.

vclusters are packaged as a helm chart. The vcluster CLI actually uses helm quite a bit for management of vclusters. No worries though on whether this plays nice with Carvel tools as we can use helm with ytt and kapp pretty smoothly.

To start, we’ll need to craft a simple overlay to add an annotation to the vcluster StatefulSet. Since this StatefulSet creates a PersistentVolumeClaim, we want to give kapp permission to delete it when we are done with our vcluster.

Go ahead and save the overlay below to a file named vcluster-statefulset-overlay.yml:

#! vcluster-statefulset-overlay.yml
#@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
#@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"StatefulSet", "metadata":{"name":"my-vcluster"}}), expects=1
    #@overlay/match by=overlay.index(0)
    - metadata:
        name: data
        #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
          kapp.k14s.io/owned-for-deletion: ""

Next, let’s create a namespace for the vcluster and see what kapp creates when a vcluster is created.

NOTE: The serviceCIDR value used in the helm command will vary depending on your cluster. I ran the following command below to verify the serviceCIDR:

$ kubectl cluster-info dump | grep -m 1 service-cluster-ip-range

The response will look something like --service-cluster-ip-range= with being the data we need in this case.

Create the namespace and view what kapp will create:

$ kubectl create ns host-namespace-1
$ kapp deploy -a vcluster -f <(helm template my-vcluster vcluster --repo https://charts.loft.sh --set serviceCIDR= -n host-namespace-1 | ytt -f- -f vcluster-stateful-set-verlay.yml) -c

Namespace         Name                  Kind            Conds.  Age  Op      Op st.  Wait to    Rs  Ri
host-namespace-1  my-vcluster           Role            -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^                 my-vcluster           RoleBinding     -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^                 my-vcluster           Service         -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^                 my-vcluster           StatefulSet     -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^                 my-vcluster-headless  Service         -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -
^                 vc-my-vcluster        ServiceAccount  -       -    create  -       reconcile  -   -

The resources above are what a vcluster consists of. You can also check out all the details of the configuration output by kapp for greater detail.

When you are ready to deploy the vcluster, type in y where it asks Continue? [yN]: and click enter.

With your vcluster now deployed to the cluster, you can now access the cluster by doing the following:

  1. Grab the kubeconfig to access the vcluster as follows:

$ kubectl get secret vc-my-vcluster -n host-namespace-1 --template={{.data.config}} | base64 -D > kubeconfig-vcluster.yml

  1. Start a port forward on the pod running vcluster:

$ kubectl port-forward my-vcluster-0 -n host-namespace-1 8443

Now go ahead and run a kubectl get ns on your host cluster. You will see the following output:

NAME               STATUS   AGE
default            Active   92m
host-namespace-1   Active   90m
kube-node-lease    Active   92m
kube-public        Active   92m
kube-system        Active   92m

Next, let’s use the virtual cluster kubeconfig and run the same kubectl get ns command:

$ kubectl get ns --kubeconfig=$(pwd)/kubeconfig-vcluster.yml

NAME              STATUS   AGE
default           Active   14m
kube-system       Active   14m
kube-public       Active   14m
kube-node-lease   Active   14m

You will notice there is no host-namespace-1 namespace and the namespace AGEs are different than the host cluster.

Let’s do something a little more interesting now and deploy the famous Carvel sample app to the vcluster:

$ kapp deploy -a simple-app -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-simple-app-on-kubernetes/develop/config-step-1-minimal/config.yml --kubeconfig=$(pwd)/kubeconfig-vcluster.yml

Type in y to confirm you would like to deploy the Carvel sample app to the vcluster.

Once the deployment is successful, let’s do another confidence check and see what apps exist on the host cluster:

$ kapp ls 

Target cluster '' (nodes: minikube)

Apps in namespace 'default'

Name      Namespaces        Lcs   Lca
vcluster  host-namespace-1  true  21m

Lcs: Last Change Successful
Lca: Last Change Age

1 apps


Looks like it’s just the vcluster we deployed. Let’s now check and see if simple-app is the app kapp knows about on the vcluster:

$ kapp ls --kubeconfig=$(pwd)/kubeconfig-vcluster.yml

Target cluster 'https://localhost:8443' (nodes: minikube)

Apps in namespace 'default'

Name        Namespaces  Lcs   Lca
simple-app  default     true  3m

Lcs: Last Change Successful
Lca: Last Change Age

1 apps


You should be able to do all the usual things with the simple app, such as starting up a port forward:

$ kubectl port-forward svc/simple-app 8080:80 --kubeconfig=$(pwd)/kubeconfig-vcluster.yml

You will get the same friendly Hello stranger! response at localhost:8080.

You can try and break this too and see if doing a kapp deploy of the simple app to the host cluster breaks anything. It wont! Both kapp apps named simple-app can exist.

When you are finished, you can clean up the vcluster with a kapp delete:

$ kapp delete -a vcluster

vclusters and kapp-controller

Another interesting thought for Carvel and vclusters is using kapp-controller’s package management approach to encapsulate and deploy vclusters using a declarative API.

So instead of running the kapp, ytt, and helm commands above, you can use kapp-controller Packages and PackageInstalls to install vclusters to various namespaces. A kapp-controller Package for vcluster might look something like below:

apiVersion: data.packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
kind: Package
  name: vcluster.package.demo.0.5.3
  refName: vcluster.package.demo
  version: 0.5.3
        - helmChart:
            name: vcluster
            version: 0.5.3
              url: https://charts.loft.sh

        - helmTemplate:
            name: my-vcluster

        - ytt:
            ignoreUnknownComments: true
                add-pvc-annotation.yml: |
                  #@ load("@ytt:overlay", "overlay")
                  #@overlay/match by=overlay.subset({"kind":"StatefulSet", "metadata":{"name":"my-vcluster"}}), expects=1
                      #@overlay/match by=overlay.index(0)
                      - metadata:
                          name: data
                          #@overlay/match missing_ok=True
                            kapp.k14s.io/owned-for-deletion: ""                  

        - kapp: {}

The Package above specifies to fetch the vcluster helm chart, template the helm chart using helm and the ytt overlay, and deploy the vcluster using kapp. Basically the same process you ran locally to deploy a vcluster can be carried out by kapp-controller running on your cluster.

You can add this Package to a cluster by installing kapp-controller and running the following command:

$ kapp deploy -a vcluster-pkg -f vcluster-0.5.3.yml -n kapp-controller-packaging-global

With the Package created in the kapp-controller global namespace, you can now install this Package in any namespace on your cluster using a PackageInstall like below:

apiVersion: packaging.carvel.dev/v1alpha1
kind: PackageInstall
  name: vcluster
  serviceAccountName: default-ns-sa
    refName: vcluster.package.demo
      constraints: 0.5.3
  - secretRef:
      name: vcluster-vals
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: vcluster-vals
  values.yaml: |

The PackageInstall above will install the vcluster Package created previously and also input the serviceCIDR helm value, which can be stored in a Secret.

Since this PackageInstall needs permissions to create resources, we’ll need to create some RBAC. Let’s add some to the default namespace with the command below:

$ kapp deploy -a rbac -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vmware-tanzu/carvel-kapp-controller/develop/examples/rbac/default-ns.yml

With the RBAC created, you can now deploy vclusters via kapp-controller by deploying the PackageInstall and Secret yaml above:

kapp deploy -a vcluster-default -f vcluster-pkgi.yml

Once the command completes, you will have a vcluster running in your default namespace. You can access the vcluster following the same steps outlined above (i.e. using port-forwarding and the vcluster kubeconfig).


I hope this explains the basics of vcluster and using Carvel tools with vcluster. There are definitely a lot exciting opportunities that these tools combined can offer Kubernetes developers.

I do want to call out some considerations for using these tools together. There are definitely still some challenges around using the vcluster CLI if you deploy vclusters using kapp or any non-helm tool (e.g. listing available vclusters, deleting vcluster, connecting to vclusters).

Additionally, while it’s intruiging to be able to install vclusters via kapp-controller, it is probably not recommended to continuously reconcile vclusters like kapp-controller does. This is because configuration changes can end up breaking the vcluster if not introduced properly. You can always pause the reconciliation by setting paused: true as part of the PackageInstall spec to keep the vcluster in a stable state.

Thanks for reading, and looking forward to your thoughts!

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